Safety tips

how to drive an RV with full water tanks

By Dave helgeson

Tip One:

There are times when it's smart to fill your tank before departure.

for example

When there’s no water at your campground destination.

When the exact location of your final destination is unknown.

When water quality is unknown or unsafe at your destination.

Tip two:

There are times when you should NOT drive with a full water tank.

Your water tank just might fall out!

Sadly, this is not too unusual for many RVs, especially trailers.

how to minimize the risk of a fallen tank:

Inspect your RV underbelly periodically.

Crawl under your camper to inspect the underbelly, along with the underfloor water tank, if so equipped.

Tip three:

Do What Works For You, at the Time

Be fully aware of the limitations of your rig and act accordingly.

For example: 

Use your gears to downshift on steep grades.

Conserve use of the RV brakes to avoid overheating

Take a time-out on long, steep downhills to let brakes cool off.

the conclusion

The answer to the “Should you RV with full water tanks?” is:

Do what works for you, your rig and the type of camping you do. Just make sure you do so in a safe manner.

Should You RV with Full Water Tanks?

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